Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday photo

My place, October 2009

Since fall is drawing to a close and winter is about to arrive, I thought I'd offer up one last peek at autumn beauty. The groundskeepers at my apartment complex usually don't allow the leaves to remain on the sidewalk, but it had been raining for several days and the leaves were to heavy to remove with leaf blowers. For just a few days, I could enjoy God's gift of scuffable leaves.


Cranberry Necklace said...

This is a beautiful photograph. It makes your home settle in from homely (the rather spare modern architecture)to homey what with the leaves and the vines on the neighbor's fence and the woods in the background.

Perplexity Peccable said...

Light's subtle scent leaves, / lightens our feet, brightens eyes. / cradles us in gold.